8/31/2014 0 Comments Free Me FridayToday was my second day at work and I already know that this won't last. The manager is as I said before, Hispanic but who knew he was prejudice? I have no doubt now. He speaks and looks to me with such disdain. He can turn to one of "his people" and have a normal conversation but once he looks or speaks to me... Today he yells at me while I'm in the passenger seat, coming from picking up a car, about touching the seats and items in cars. Note, the car seat was rolled back but by the owner, I just sat in it. I have barely been inside any of the vehicles, let alone touched anything. Later, he yell "what am I paying you for" because a customer (who was standing behind me, behind a pillar) was waiting to get his car but me and the other new guy were talking to each other about the job and didn't see him. I mean, really! This is ridiculous! I'm reporting to his boss tomorrow and I will be filing an EEO complaint if it keeps up. I can't wait till Tuesday when the job placement agency opens back up. I'm gonna start my search over. I will not stay and be abused by anyone for any reason. Fool got me messed up if he thinks I have to stick around for that low paying shit. Now that I'm back in the bed with my feet up and an 800mg Ibuprofen in my system, I'm just as determined to leave with a bang! And only on day 2! Smh Good Night World *Update *
It's a no go. I noticed that they placed the ones they wanted to see again in clear covers with the characters name on it. The problem is, I don't look like a lot of what is being looked for. I hope I can change it, meaning me. I don't see entertainment changing to include me anytime soon. I need a workout partner. :-( Oh well. Off to the battle of the valet driver.
8/30/2014 0 Comments JAPAN SATURDAYGood morning! The Universal Studios, Japan audition is this morning! I'm scheduled for 11:30. They said come 30min early but I'm here an hour early. People are blowing! The ladies are singing "The Edge" by Pink. I am love her. It looks like I'll be seen since I'm here. I'm number 476 and they are on 470! OMGS I gotta pee! Wish me luck.
It started in regression. I had my first rehabilitation appointment for my knees and feet and what do I do? I missed it. How did I miss it? I got lost! How again, you ask? G Freaking PS! I typed in the address but apparently theres the same address in Brooklyn and Manhattan. I didn't pay much attention to the one the phone chose because I figured it would use its memory of where I've been going. And when I noticed the train was different, I thought nothing of it because there is more than one way to anything around here. I ended up somewhere on Flatbush! I'm walking down a neighborhood when the address matched a house I knew all was lost. I tried to catch a bus GPS said would take me there but it didn't come. I did however get to here some guys on the corner of the local shop talking. Men gossip just like us. I have no idea who they were but now I know who and how he had sex with some short girl on New Years Eve. Smh I waited for almost an hour for the stupid bus that never came! I ended up walking back the way I came, back to the train station about 20 minutes away.
I finally made back to the city and GPS told take the M34 to the hospital. While Window gazing I saw a store with a sign that said "Closing Doors August 30th. Everything must go"! SHOES! All wedges and sandals! Everything was $9.99! I needed shoes for auditions because I've worn my flip flops out and they are frowned upon in auditions. I found a pair I liked and asked the guy behind the counter if he would get them off the shelf. (I couldn't reach it. Don't laugh, Im short). He says sure, and walked me back to the seats. What he did next shocked me. He helped me put on the Shoe! I gotta admit that it made me a bit uncomfortable. I like my personal space. He was a good looking guy with a Spanish accent. I asked where he was from and he says "Honduras, you married? You seeing anyone? I give you my number, you call me"? Omgs I love Spanish accents. You know I told him yes, right? I didn't like the shoe so he asked me to follow him downstairs to the other shoes. He took my hand and helped me down the stairs. Some kind of service huh?! lol I didn't see what I wanted down there but he says, "get what you want, I buy for you". I look at him like, really? lol He then asked me for a hug. How could I say no?! *Update * This is an example of how tired I was. This happened on Wednesday not Thursday! Smh! Later on that night I went to Sugar Bar for the JT Project's open mic. Can you say yay?! One of the guys that plays guitar when he comes said he'll help me out for Sept 20! Jackpot all day! 8/26/2014 0 Comments Drunken Monkeys And NutsGood morning. Last night was nuts. Around midnight the chic next to my room came in completely waisted. She fell twice! The second time was against the exit door to the smoking area. It shook the entire area. By then everyone was up and talking. I stayed in my room and listened. I'm still amazed at the one person who snored through it all. As I layed in the bed and occasionally peeked out the door, I learned that she is no stranger to being sloppy drunk. They talked about another girl that was only there for 2 weeks but was drunk every night and failed every breathalyzer test. Apparently she had no problem being groped but ended up being raped. Which is why I don't go out of my way to be friendly with anyone. I will not be caught slipping at all. As Drake says, "no new friends, no no no". That girl got robbed too and was put out in that 2 weeks. The one next to me was already on meds from a shoulder surgery she had from an injury. (probably from drinking). I was glad when it calmed down and I fell back to sleep. But around 3 am the nut job across from me came to her room. She was the one that slammed doors and lockers last week. She's fussing and cursing about some dude. Yelling about how she can't stand him and how he should go back to the girl he's screwing and leave her alone and how she's grown and will beat him up and he's to weak to say it in her face. I'm so tired of this. I just wanted to sleep. What's the purpose of having security guards if they don't show up or do anything when they are around. I think someone went a got one but when he showed up the chic lied and said he kept peeping into the room. But in truth he was walking outside of our wall, talking trash for her to hear but not directly addressing her.
The funniest part to me is her saying to him "that's why you're homeless! You ain't got no teeth with three degrees "! I had to laugh at that one. But really? LOL She said she's better than him because she's young with a messed up life and she can fix hers and his is over. Omgs. Nuts! Im not sure how long that went on but I fell sleep again only to be awakened by the drunk back in her room bumping Drake! WTF! That made nut job start yelling again. She got mad because SHE was trying to sleep. AGAIN WTF! She found security and had her turn it down but drunken monkey fusses with nut job saying She was being childish. I had to laugh because clearly monkey was still drunk. Monkey said "why God, do you keep sending me these children to teach and raise? I'm tired ". LOL I think I will go insane if I don't get out of here soon from lack of sleep. My alarm was set for 7:15am but I was awakened a bit early. By whom? Nut job: :-/ I guess she and dude got back into it. She starts ranting and raving all over again about who she is, what he should do, who he's with. I'm so over it at this point so I start getting ready to leave. As I'm in the restroom washing up, the tall chic with no teeth comes in and asks "is your room 127"? I say yes and she tells me "your alarm is going off". I just looked at her, said ok, and went back to tackling my hair. I was NOT about to rush or care about disturbing anyone. Not after the last few weeks of sleepless nights I've had in here. I could care less. Nut job tried to bring me into her ravings. I think someone asked her who the guy was seeing and she says "that big one that thinks she's too good to speak to anyone ". I was still in my room at the time but I refuse to be pulled into her insanity. I can't be goaded. I'd have to care. I do not. I got out of there with an hours time to get to the drivers test. *UPDATE * I got the job! I am now a driver for Central Parking. Part time and on weekends of course but in about two weeks, I will have a paycheck. The first thing I'm buying is a good package of headshots! ***Last Update*** I had a trying walk going to take the drug test for the new job. The only thing that made it worth it was seeing NY architecture. Grand Central station and passing by Berkley got me all giddy inside. How many movies where shot inside of Grand Central? I didnt stay and take pictures too long. I still had much to do. After getting back to the room I realized I needed to check for mail. I received my audition confirmation from AMDA and my replacement phone from Tmobile! It's a problem when you touch your touch screen and it says ouch. LOL There was an impromptu meeting of the residents too. Inspections are tomorrow and they wanted to air some things out before the official meeting. The tall one with no teeth is always the ring leader. She's good at working a crowd, I'll giver her that. Everyone seems to follow her lead. She got them to agree on stuff like, cleaning up and not breaking the washer and dryer. Not one of us want to send clothes to the community laundry room. Sure you clothes will get washed for you but it will be mixed with other people's. yuck! No thanks! Right as they opened the rooms I left back out again! I am giving a voice lesson this evening! I'm going to Harlem! Its not even a long ride! I met up with Janissa for her lesson while at Taco Bell. She sure takes a lot of taxies. I sure do appreciate the ride! lol I had a blast helping her while she recorded. She's such a good writer and singer. I should go to bed. It's 1am. 8/25/2014 0 Comments Les MiserabléGuess who's up at the butt crack of dawn? The Les Miz audition starts at 9:30am so I want a head start on the non union list. To cut down on walking time I mapped out a new rout. Wouldn't you know it, I got a little lost. Instead of taking the 7 to Times Square I got of at 5th Ave and switched to the D and got off one exit up on 49th and 6. Even though I wasn't too far off, I still walked half a block in the wrong direction but I stumbled upon "The Today Show"! I'm making a mental note to go back there on a free day. I walk into Equity to sign up thinking I'm early and I see 9 people already sitting down. :-/ That's ok right? nope! I even though I got here at 7:50 I am number 22 on the list. Let's stay positive people! lol and me! *UPDATE * The time is now 9:37 and they are asking for us to turn in Headshots again. Well! There's another audition here. I might as well! It's Pitbull. At least it's an African American cast. Meaning, I have a chance to audition because there aren't many people here for it. Here I go again! **UPDATE **
I had to act! No singing?! Oi Vey! lol I did a piece from The MLK memorial Celebration. I hope I delivered Mrs. King well. Now all I have left is to check into the back to work program. Let's see if they have any interviews available. ***UPDATE **** Nope! Nothing new but I have to go take a valet driver test tomorrow. It's a start. As I'm getting ready for tomorrow I realize that I'm running out of headshots. I ONLY HAVE 6 LEFT! Donations have almost stopped coming in. :-( It looks like I will have to lay low till I get a job. (turned down) It costs $70 to have them redone at Pixel Pushers in Atlanta and have them mailed to me. I hope someone comes through for it. This is my first real frown. I'm raising money for Help My Road to Broadway . Click to Donate: http://www.gofundme.com/bqebhc #gofundme 8/23/2014 0 Comments Saturday SanityMorning! I hope I find some. I so wanted to sleep in but these selfish nut jobs and fools would not be quiet. They got in some new ones. You can always tell by the way they slam lockers and let doors close. I'm trying to stick around for lunch then I'm out to see some stuff. UPDATE
I did nothing I said I would. lol I hung out with Janissa at her job and ate till she got off work. There are some beautiful furniture pieces and dishes there! Hand made even! I would love to gift people with some of it. I'm so lame and tired. I went back to the shelter and washed and rolled my hair. I was supposed to go find new open mics but really, what will compare to Sugar Bar? I think I'll just focus there and continue to build upon my reputation. Being there is bound to pay off, right? Good night world! 8/23/2014 0 Comments Learned SomethingGood morning! I am still smiling from last night's good time. I headed out early to get to this valet driving job test only to find that the guy sent me on the wrong day. I'm a bit irritated because it was set for 10 am and the "Wicked" ensemble auditions start at 10:30am. Good thing I went early because I still have time to make it to sign up for the audition. I actually got here at 10! I got to the table and signed up as #36 on the non Equity list. The line of Equity ladies is long. It looks like I'll be turning in my Headshot and leaving again but I decided to wait and see. This is too good to miss even the slightest chance of being seen. As I'm sitting here the monitor calls for none Equity to turn in headshots and resumes. So I'm thinking, here it goes again. But I'm noticing that after they turn it in, no one is leaving. So I asked the monitor "what happens after we turn in the stuff" and she says " after they finish the ones on the list the go through the headshots and pull in the ones they want to see". Can you imagine the feeling of stupid that just washed over Me?! I mean, I walked out of What, like 3 auditions after turning in my information thinking they would call if they wanted me. HA! Mind you, I not dressed yet so I rush to the bathroom to change into my dress and realize that my makeup is back at the room. Tsk Tsk Tsk. Guess I'll gloss up! No foundation or eyeshadow on me and these girls are powder pretty. Oh well. As Elphaba says "It's meeeeeeee! So if you care to find me, look to the western sky"! LOL Wish me luck! *UPDATE * No go. After they finished with Equity they kinda did a lottery with us none members and I didn't get picked. No need to waste the rest of the day right? I called Gerald and told him what happened and he suggested I go ride Staton Island Ferry and hit up the Native American museum. I just happened to be right near the M42 bus he told me to ride! I get off at the docks and I see boats and one huge Navy carrier! And wouldn't you know it, I'm at the wrong place. lol These are touring ferries. Smh so after snapping a few pics I decided to go back to my room. My battery was low on my phone and I left my charger in the room. Plus, I am feeling run down and tired. Especially after eating that hotdogs. BTW I got a letter from the Dr saying I'm border lined diabetic. I got no good news today. last update
I was got back to the shelter to charge my phone and rest because I was feeling physically bad. One of the directors asked if I wanted to go see a baseball game si I said sure, if I can get into my room and take a nap. She let me in, and I slept for about 2 hours. Got up to shower and get ready. Because it wasn't time for the doors to be unlocked, I rigged it to only close by stuffing something into the hole and went to wash up. I tried to be discreet about it. I got out of the shower and walked to my door and it was shut tight. I looked at the security guard and remembered she always watches me. She must have closed in when I was in the shower to be spiteful. I guess she thought it would be funny to have me stuck outside the room in only a towel. Smh. I always have a contingency plan. She was sitting beside the floor model tv to the right of the shower room so when she saw me coming back that way she says "oh, your room is locked"? Yep, I replied. And she she got up to go get the key to open it I walked to the dryer next to the showers and got a full set of clothes to put on. When she came back into the bay she was shocked to see me fully dressed. The look on her face proved what I already knew. She did it to me on purpose. Fool of a girl. Dinner was served right before the van was to leave for the game at 6pm. It was pushing it but I ate light and went to catch it. It want ready till 6:20 and the game starts at 7:30. I found out it was a minor league game. I didn't care though. I just wanted something new to see and do. As we boarded I noticed that the 4 other women that said they were going hadn't showed up. When the guy in the wheelchair rolled up and wanted a seat, I gave him mine because. I was shotgun in the front. The driver asked why I didn't want to go anymore and I said "look around, I refuse to be the only woman with these guys. They are creepy. They give me the creeps inside the building and I refuse to be alone with them". It took him a second to catch on and then he was like, yeah, good idea. DUH! I haven't spoken much on it but they watch me. I wear my headphones all the time to block unwanted conversation, even though I do not always have them on. Some pass my in the hall and nod or say nothing but others make comments about me like "sexy sweet thang"or whistle. Old men are gross. Drunk men are worse. I always keep a brisk pace and look straight ahead when I walk the halls. I never let my guard down. And with that, I'm off to my room to watch my new favorite Korean drama, "Su Baek Hyang, The Kings Daughter ". Good morning! I must say that, I look good! I feel like putting my eyes in my pocket so they can rest though. lol So sleepy but it's all worth it. The audition of the day is for the play, "Side Show " and it's centered around conjoined twins in the circus. I'm hoping my belly talk routine will get me in as well as the voice. *UPDATE * I was a bit lazy this morning. I didn't go to the monologue audition this morning so I could rest my voice for Side Show. I'm super early! it's at 2 but I'm here at 12. They are doing guys right now. Dancers all look like dancers. Duh, right? lol Really good looking guys. But anyway, I just got a text. Hello Singers, Congratulations girls you are the first 2 singers that are cast for my play 4 H.E.R. I just want to applaud both of you for being power house singers and just being such professionals. We have some arranging to do far as your placement but it will get done both of you are very versatile/amazing singers and I would like to welcome you aboard! I am taking a week off from rehearsal but I will add both of you to our Facebook page and I will be sending out an email soon about the next rehearsal and our future together! P.S. When both of you sung it gave me chills and brought me back to when I first drafted this play! I will email the scripts so you can read them and get an understanding of the show and these women! -Writer Director Corey Antwan Brooks So geeked! It's not a paid gig but it's still work! **UPDATE ** I decided to go to Subway to eat since I have a good wait and I get a call. I have an interview for a valet driver position almost at the time of Wicked's ensemble auditions. :-o I need to work until I get booked because I'm not getting much donations now and I'm almost dry so I will go to the driving test early, then go to Wicked. ***UPDATE ***
I'm back at Sugar Bar! As soon as I come upstairs a nice man named Allen spoke to his friends telling then how great he thinks I am. lol He says "I know it's a color ", so I tell him Burgandy. He was so sweet! Omg after talking about the songs I sing he tells me he knows Pattie Labelle! Are you serious?! Almost swooned. He says he helped get her, her Star on freaking walk of fame! Can you say giddy?! I told him it would make my life to meet her. He says he'll see if he can help make that happen. And to top the start of my night off, Janissa from my high school (North Atlanta) is coming to hang out with me and her friends from work. I WONT BE ALONE! OMG Freddie Jackson just spoke to me! LAST UPDATE Had a blast! Mrs. Simpson said I made the night! And Janissa ' people were wonderful! We laughed, we sang together and we ate! Something amazing may be in the works soon. Tell ya later. Since its raining I'm in a cab headed back to shelter. Night World! 8/20/2014 0 Comments Regular WorkI so do not want to but I need income. I did pretty good stretching out the donations. It paid for hotel stay when I first got here, shoes when I walked holes in the ones I brought with me and food when I'm away from the shelter. I need $100 to keep my phone on and I'm still hopeful for that. Click to Donate: http://www.gofundme.com/bqebhc #gofundme Headed to the back 2 work program this morning I enjoyed my people watching on the train. As my inner dialog cataloged people I wondered what theirs was like. As I stood holding the upper rail, swaying with the train, I noticed the guy in front of me. He had "Harconian " (from Dune) salt and pepper eyebrows as was the rest of his shoulder length hair. In my head I was laughing because he was also looking at me. Except he was watching my belly jiggle as the train bounced. So what did I do? I sucked in and dropped it for affect. lol I did it a few times and I guess he realized I was doing it on purpose because he looked me in the eye. I gave him a stern look and he looked away but inside I was laughing. Our eyes met a couple of times after that and neither of us showed any emotions on our faces. I saw a middle aged West Indian woman and her husband sitting together and her head was on his shoulder. She was good and sleep. Awww, I want one! To feel safe in a room of strangers because the one you love is watching over me. Wow. One day. She was wearing beautiful colors! Her, idk what to call it but the over wrap scarf of her outfit was a sparkling maroon and her short was tan with burgandy little flowers. I love their clothes! I want a Sari. No idea where to go with it on but, I want it. *UPDATE * not really. lol did you know that you can rent bikes here and cut down on walking and traffic? I am no way confident enough for that. Esp since I have no idea where I'm going. lol Don't think you can steal it either, you have to use your card and if it's not turned in its $1200. FOR A BIKE! Shooooot. I'm walking and taking the train, thanks. So, I'm at Sugar Bar in hoped that I can barely employ a musician for my debut in New York at Sugar Bar. This beautiful African lady that works here says that drinking tonic water wards off mosquitoes and it glows in the dark. Who knew?! The band has just started and the tension I didnt realize I had in my shoulders just went away. The JT PROJECT is on deck! Last Update
Let's just say I had a good time. It was a short one. Not a big turnout but a girl did get a free meal! I actually talked to strangers! (broke a cardinal rule) The guy next to me was gonna buy me a drink but you know I declined. Then he said, "get what you want, on me". You know! I had fried chicken, mash potatoes and green beans! The funny part is that T, (Valery Simpsons personal assistant) was giving me free chicken when Bryan offered the drink. So, I was on a roll. :-)After talking to one of the band leaders I may end up doing my first acoustic set! Night World 8/19/2014 0 Comments An Atlanta Casting CallI find myself back at TELSEY today for Tuck Everlasting. Can you say, super early? Auditions start at 2PM and I've been here since 11ish. funny enough that on the unofficial sign up list that I'm number 27. They are still doing callbacks for Glee here. I so want to burst through there doors singing Lady Gaga's "The Edge " , but I don't want to get kicked out. There are Tv auditions here too! I'm so geeked just to see this process! Ok... I just saw another royal blue jumper. I see the same jumper or dress at every audition but on different people. There's also a weird chic staring at me/past me with dead eyes. Creeeeepy. I think she was going over lines in her head but still... *UPDATE *
Can you say total disappointment? All non Equity was sent home because they had almost 100 Equity females show up. Turn down :-( Now I'm sitting in Times Square learning music and people watching. I'm just hoping a flash mob breaks out and makes my day! so far...no But I did just get scared by a pigeon. A lady just did the Ice Challenge and got dumped on by Elmo! lol She's gonna be sick. It's a cool 78 degrees here today. It's great to see so many families here from so many places, sitting and gawking at everything and laughing. Some guy just sat at the table with me like I'm invisible. Is this normal? |
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