8/26/2014 0 Comments Drunken Monkeys And NutsGood morning. Last night was nuts. Around midnight the chic next to my room came in completely waisted. She fell twice! The second time was against the exit door to the smoking area. It shook the entire area. By then everyone was up and talking. I stayed in my room and listened. I'm still amazed at the one person who snored through it all. As I layed in the bed and occasionally peeked out the door, I learned that she is no stranger to being sloppy drunk. They talked about another girl that was only there for 2 weeks but was drunk every night and failed every breathalyzer test. Apparently she had no problem being groped but ended up being raped. Which is why I don't go out of my way to be friendly with anyone. I will not be caught slipping at all. As Drake says, "no new friends, no no no". That girl got robbed too and was put out in that 2 weeks. The one next to me was already on meds from a shoulder surgery she had from an injury. (probably from drinking). I was glad when it calmed down and I fell back to sleep. But around 3 am the nut job across from me came to her room. She was the one that slammed doors and lockers last week. She's fussing and cursing about some dude. Yelling about how she can't stand him and how he should go back to the girl he's screwing and leave her alone and how she's grown and will beat him up and he's to weak to say it in her face. I'm so tired of this. I just wanted to sleep. What's the purpose of having security guards if they don't show up or do anything when they are around. I think someone went a got one but when he showed up the chic lied and said he kept peeping into the room. But in truth he was walking outside of our wall, talking trash for her to hear but not directly addressing her.
The funniest part to me is her saying to him "that's why you're homeless! You ain't got no teeth with three degrees "! I had to laugh at that one. But really? LOL She said she's better than him because she's young with a messed up life and she can fix hers and his is over. Omgs. Nuts! Im not sure how long that went on but I fell sleep again only to be awakened by the drunk back in her room bumping Drake! WTF! That made nut job start yelling again. She got mad because SHE was trying to sleep. AGAIN WTF! She found security and had her turn it down but drunken monkey fusses with nut job saying She was being childish. I had to laugh because clearly monkey was still drunk. Monkey said "why God, do you keep sending me these children to teach and raise? I'm tired ". LOL I think I will go insane if I don't get out of here soon from lack of sleep. My alarm was set for 7:15am but I was awakened a bit early. By whom? Nut job: :-/ I guess she and dude got back into it. She starts ranting and raving all over again about who she is, what he should do, who he's with. I'm so over it at this point so I start getting ready to leave. As I'm in the restroom washing up, the tall chic with no teeth comes in and asks "is your room 127"? I say yes and she tells me "your alarm is going off". I just looked at her, said ok, and went back to tackling my hair. I was NOT about to rush or care about disturbing anyone. Not after the last few weeks of sleepless nights I've had in here. I could care less. Nut job tried to bring me into her ravings. I think someone asked her who the guy was seeing and she says "that big one that thinks she's too good to speak to anyone ". I was still in my room at the time but I refuse to be pulled into her insanity. I can't be goaded. I'd have to care. I do not. I got out of there with an hours time to get to the drivers test. *UPDATE * I got the job! I am now a driver for Central Parking. Part time and on weekends of course but in about two weeks, I will have a paycheck. The first thing I'm buying is a good package of headshots! ***Last Update*** I had a trying walk going to take the drug test for the new job. The only thing that made it worth it was seeing NY architecture. Grand Central station and passing by Berkley got me all giddy inside. How many movies where shot inside of Grand Central? I didnt stay and take pictures too long. I still had much to do. After getting back to the room I realized I needed to check for mail. I received my audition confirmation from AMDA and my replacement phone from Tmobile! It's a problem when you touch your touch screen and it says ouch. LOL There was an impromptu meeting of the residents too. Inspections are tomorrow and they wanted to air some things out before the official meeting. The tall one with no teeth is always the ring leader. She's good at working a crowd, I'll giver her that. Everyone seems to follow her lead. She got them to agree on stuff like, cleaning up and not breaking the washer and dryer. Not one of us want to send clothes to the community laundry room. Sure you clothes will get washed for you but it will be mixed with other people's. yuck! No thanks! Right as they opened the rooms I left back out again! I am giving a voice lesson this evening! I'm going to Harlem! Its not even a long ride! I met up with Janissa for her lesson while at Taco Bell. She sure takes a lot of taxies. I sure do appreciate the ride! lol I had a blast helping her while she recorded. She's such a good writer and singer. I should go to bed. It's 1am.
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