7/26/2014 4 Comments On The Road AgainMy day started with some loud old lady poking my foot, talking bout "excuses Me" like she fell. Old bitch pls! She was just being nosey and wanted to see who was in the bed by the door. I tried to go back to sleep but her loud but kept talking so I was out. I hurried out to go get the rest of my bags at the hostel.
I'm so not yet a New Yorker! I took the right train going in the wrong direction, TWICE! I had to readjust because after that I got on the wrong train and had to reroute again but made it back to a Chinatown! Going back should be easier since I found out how to connect trains! Aaaah, NO! I have spent the entire day under New York! I forgot which stop on the G train, I started out on. The G train partially shut down for maintenance and forced us to use a shuttle. That did not help me. :-( So I call the main office of the shelter people for direction. A lady gives me info on where to go. I went. SHE SENT ME TO A MALE SHELTER! I'm beyond pissed! Mind you, I am carrying my heavy bags! My duffle bag was digging into my shoulders and I keep hitting the back of my leg with the carry on, my feet were hurting too. My old broken foot was acting up. :-( So I get the idea to go to the G train and get off at every one of them before the closure to see if on looks familiar. 4 hours later I decide to call the place that sent me to the new place in the firdt place because the main office wouldn't answer anymore of my calls. I called and got sent to someone's voice mail. I called again and she sent me to another person's phone that she knew wasn't at work. I tried to get her to just give me the phone number or address to where I was supposed to go but she stopped answering the phone! I decided to go therein person to yesterday's place. I called her again when I got close to the building to try again to get the info I needed She acts like she doesn't understand what Im asking her and tells me I should come in. I told her I was on the street already and walking in. I get in and security had her come out. She acts like she wasn't the one I talked to but she's the only one there. :-/ After I went over it again she goes and gets me the address. It was sprinkling when I got there so I told her I will wait out the rain and be on my way. She says "rain won't hurt nobody, you can get wet ". I wanted to through that bitch out the door. I kept quiet and left. It had stopped sprinkling. I look at the directions and was so mad at myself. I had passed that stop so many times! It wasnt the G train but the C but it was 38 minutes away! I get to the station and of course, I get on the right bus but wrong direction. Had to walk up a block and get the right bus. The driver took me right outside the door. (I looked awful). What did I learn? Ask the drivers and ask the booth people for directions. good night world!
7/26/2014 05:53:21 pm
Wow what a journey u was on.. All of this hard work will pay off so just stay focused and hungry.. Ur dream will come true... Hope u have a better day tomorrow..
A Hare
7/27/2014 04:15:41 am
It always gets worse, before it gets better! This is making you stronger!
7/27/2014 06:28:51 am
It will get easier hang in there. Im so happy to see you chasing your dream. I know one day this blog will read " FIRST DAY ON BROADWAY " 😁 then you should publish this 😊 well carry on and with your gps try the street view sometimes that might help.
Burgandy Williams
7/27/2014 06:43:14 am
Thanks yall!
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