7/27/2014 3 Comments SAT DOWN!Good morning! Ok ok, last night I had to laugh at myself. There are 10 to a room and I'm with a lot of old ladies. It's 1am so of course they're all sleep but I'm up, charging my phone and folding laundry. It's dark in here so I cracked the door for light and as I'm folding I hear an eery sound. Like wheat you hear in scary movies. In the corner of my eye I see movement. I turn an I see a dark figure with long stringy hair slowly, small step by step walking across the floor. I instantly think of "The Ring" and for a brief moment I'm stunned in panic. Then I had to rationally look at it. lol smh Old lady was going to the bathroom! She was sleepy so she was shuffling. smh But I still was a bit creeped out. lol I watched her ass go back to her bed and wouldn't get under the covers till she fell asleep. smh Then I heard a loud thump! In my head I'm like WTH! LOL Someone upstairs must have dropped something. I figured I needed to take my butt to sleep before I give myself a heart attack.
**Update** It's about 1:35 and I've eaten lunch/breakfast. I was gonna go out and look around but I see it's gonna rain. Since my feet are still swollen from pounding pavement I'm just gonna sit here and learn new songs for auditions. **UPDATE ** I couldn't do it! I couldn't stay in! A high school friend invited me for a visit in the Bronx! I'm was like HELLS yeah! Shoot, the swelling in my feet had just went down too! sSHOOOOOT! I saw some performers on the train. It's something about Spanish music that makes me want to dance! I Enjoyed myself. It envolved a lot of train hoping but I didn't get lost! I went to her job, had a nice chicken salad Sammich and talked and laughed. It was a cool furniture store. Nothing like Ikea, which scares me. (anxiety) It's funny how you can connect with someone who you were only peripherally around and still feel close many years later. Janissa can sing and write! Who new?! I didn't. smh We made good plans to work together. I'm glad. I didn't get lost! u didn't get lost! I DIDN'T GET LOST! shocked? I was too. Made it back before curfew, barely. But had a great day!
7/27/2014 07:04:09 am
Glad u decided to take it easy today to rest urself.. Good luck tomorrow on ur quest for fame... One Question, have u ever sang the song from stephenie Mills called Home?? That's a beautiful song... I think u have the perfect voice for that song... Good luck ❤️
7/27/2014 01:11:27 pm
oh yes that would be a good song..
7/27/2014 07:38:32 am
Be still be quiet rest and prepare to hit the pavement tomorrow they ain't ready for ya!
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